The telecom industry had a “lightbulb” moment back in 1997. Twenty two years later, that 100 watt idea is valued at $2.75 Billion — with a B — of annual billings under management. That’s how the Alliance Partners started and has exponentially grown. And that’s what fuels us to demand the best of our partners and providers while delivering the best to our clients.
Since day one, revenue protection has been our shared mission. Some two dozen experienced, successful telecom agency owners banded together to form the Alliance Partners, knowing that we are stronger standing together than any one of us standing alone. We developed a single contract when negotiating with strategic providers for services, and for other provider relationships, we shared open access to each other’s contracts. The primary focus of those contracts? Revenue protection.
Guided by a well-defined Code of Ethics, our collective established a level of accountability second to none. We trust each other and believe that everything is negotiable — except our ethics, integrity and values.
This was both a novel and commanding business model in the booming, burgeoning telecom industry of the late 1990’s. No one had come to the provider bargaining table armed with a tour de force such as the Alliance Partners developed. We weren’t two dozen insignificant “Davids.” We were one determined “Goliath.” And it worked. For everyone involved.
Two decades later and in a far more mature industry landscape, the formation of The Alliance Partners and the healthy, respected relationships we’ve forged with key partners and providers are now the gold standard. Providers value and recognize our market strength and stability, and we in turn, challenge them to provide us with equitable contracts and market-ready and unmatched tools to succeed on their behalf. Who wins? We all win. From the providers themselves to the Alliance Partner membership, to our network of agent partners and finally to the customers we serve.
The Alliance Partners Numbers & Notables:
- Owned by our membership of 17 shareholders
- Generates $ 4.5 Million of recurring monthly sales
- Over $2.75 Billion in annual billings under management
- More than 10,000 sales professionals in the Alliance ecosystem
- Over 250,000 customers managed by Alliance members
- Well over 400 unique provider relationships
- Managed by a professional who comes from the channel, advancing the group’s objectives
- Even though the organization is “for profit,” there is no attempt to generate a profit at the Alliance level